| Call +351 934 702 732

Regular Cruises in Ria Formosa

We have a large range of cruises in Ria Formosa that you can choose from...

Boat departure is from Olhão, and you can book a regular cruise for individual customers (see prices bellow).

Our cruises operate all year!


Regular Cruises  for individual customers
(Boat departing from Olhão)


Cruises Departure Time Duration Price per person

Seahorses Cruise
Itenerary: Olhão - Natural Park

Tide dependent 2 hours 20 €

1 Hour Cruise
Olhão - Natural Park

On demand  1 hour 10 €

2 Hours Cruise
Olhão - Natural Park - Stop in an Island

 On demand 2 hours 20 €

Culatra Island Cruise
Olhão - Natural Park - Stop in Culatra Island

Low Season: 12h30
High Season: 11h30 and 13h15

2:30 hours 20 €

Islands and Nature Cruise
Olhão - Natural Park - Stop in Culatra Island - Stop in a Beach - Stop in Armona Island

Low Season: 12h30
High Season: 11h30 and 13h15

4:30 hours 25 €

Nature Observation
Observation of Birds, Clams and Oysters nurseries

Tide dependent 2:30 hours 25 €

Full day Cruise
Olhão - Natural Park - Stop in Deserted Island - Farol Island - Stop in Culatra Island - Stop in a Beach - Armona Island

10h00 7 hours 45 € 
Lunch NOT included


Send your requests to:

Land line Phone              00351 289 824 515
Mobile Phone 24 hrs      00351 934 702 732